W. Bruce Chapman
Bruce has 34 years of service with the Peel Regional Police Service, working up to the to the rank of Detective Sergeant during his career. During his years of policing, he focused on numerous areas of the service including uniform, criminal investigations, major crime, drugs, fraud, homicide as well as the officer in charge of robbery, and forensics.
Prior to becoming PAO President, Bruce was a long-standing member of the Peel Regional Police Association (PRPA). He served for over 14 years on the PRPA Board, which included 12 years in the position of Board Chair.
Bruce is the recipient of the Queen’s Jubilee Medal and is active in the community with participation in various causes including the Kids, Cops and Fishing Program, Special Olympics, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Bruce is also a passionate advocate for the mental health and wellness of the first responder community. Notably, he was a vocal champion regarding the need for presumptive coverage of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Operational Stress Injury (OSI) in Ontario’s first responders. In April 2016, Supporting Ontario’s First Responders Act, which included such presumptive coverage as an amendment to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, was enacted into law by the Ontario Government.